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Rollerskiing as a Mode of Transport

Rollerskiing as a Mode of Transport

I am a person who is trying to go pro in nordic skiing. As a skier I train all year long and part of that is roller skiing which involves taking pieces of aluminum with wheels on them and then attaching bindings to them so that Nordic skiers can continue skiing in one form or another for the entire year. Rollerskis don’t have breaks so the only way to stop suddenly is to bail off the side of whatever pavement and then run so that you don’t smash your face into the ground. It is also possible to slow down by making the skis go into a pizza like shape but that can take a while for the skis to allow you to actually come to a dead stop. 

I have a goal to compete as a professional nordic skier and go to the Olympics. Part of my training is roller skiing and I am tracking the hours of training I do a year with a goal of getting to 500 hours a year my senior year. I have found that if I roller ski to school which takes about 45 minutes I can get more hours in per week because it gets dark really early now and I have less time after school to do training. I also get to school faster than if I were to take the bus. 

The only issues that I have with roller skiing to school is that I live in west Glover so the way to get to LR includes going through Barton village. The pavement there is very bumpy and there are actually three levels of pavement from a top coat being applied and then bad pot holes that were attempted to be filled at some point but have reformed. After that though route 5 is freshly paved making it faster, smoother and there is more space on the side of the road which makes it slightly safer even with the speed limit being 50. 

I have chosen to stop roller skiing to school before the winter because it’s cold, and there is ice on the roads. Now I am turning my attention to skiing on snow. 


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