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Band Plays at Evening of Excellence

Band Plays at Evening of Excellence

The LR music department along with a guest singer from the middle school chorus put on a concert before LR’s annual evening of excellence. The seating arrangements were different from the standard concert that has happened at LR, as the chairs that normally would have been there for an audience were out in the gym for the awards presentation later, and that left the round tables that are normally used for lunch. The show started off the chorus which performed several tunes that sounded otherworldly and transported the audience as some were in other languages. Then the select chorus performed two songs that had a similar feel, and featured many soloists. After the chorus left the stage the jazz band went to the stage and did a set that included a funk march and the March of the Lizard People, a tune that viewers of the Bread and Puppet circus will recognize. They also played a couple standard jazz tunes and finished with the song that is more drum solo then anything else, Wipeout, by the Surfaris. That song featured senior drummer Wyatt Christansen. After the concert Dr Doncastor thanked many people and then all in attendance shifted to the gym where the main focus for most was with the awards night.

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