LR Pride Week

As June is Pride month, the Lake Region, the Gay Straight Alliance (GSA) welcomes you to join us in our pride week. Each day has a different event that commemorates the LGBTQIA+ community, so if your up for it, please join us.
Wednesday, June 1st
During lunch B we are doing a memorial planting for Fern Feather, a trans woman who lived in Newport and was killed for being trans. Join us out by the flag pole during the planting.
Thursday, June 2nd
We are going to be handing out pride pins in the lobby. Grab one before school or during lunch.
Friday, June 3rd
For the third day we will be having a bake sale to benefit the Trevor Project. We will be selling all day in the lobby.
Monday, June 6th
Tune in to LRTV to hear more about pride week. Check it during advisory to learn more.
Tuesday, June 7th-We are face painting flags for people. Stop by the lobby during lunch to get yours done.
Wednesday, June 8th
Wear pride colors, and take a picture with us on the lawn outside the front door during lunch a.