Vermont Workforce Struggles

Vermont Workforce Struggles

Vermont has seen a significant lack of people involved within our workforce recently due to the impacts of the COVID 19 pandemic. Our businesses are struggling to stay open and offer their typical services due to the major decrease of workers in our system. Many businesses currently have job openings that are in need of being filled. Businesses have found it very difficult to hire new employees because the economic struggle doesn’t leave much to offer additional incentives for new hired help. One particular job field besides our smaller local businesses that is struggling all across Vermont is our healthcare sector. We have had to hire available travelers for medical work assistance to our state. Healthcare is a major piece to Vermont’s economy and especially important with the relatively growing population of elderly people in our state. Our population needs to take into consideration that our economy is struggling, most importantly our healthcare economy. Many students currently are looking into nursing and other healthcare options to study in after high school for they see the vast job opportunities and additional incentives include wages, and overtime advantages. Offering further funding to students who will study healthcare could offer an incentive to increase our healthcare employment rates in the future. We currently have too many understaffed facilities with the growing elderly dependency ratios we experience within our population. Taking action and making a plan towards improving this deficit will improve Vermont’s population as a whole and provide more advanced opportunities to our aged population as well as those of all ages requiring care.