Spirit week 2022!

October the 11th—a normal Monday. Except for the fact that it was not a normal Monday. Spirit week was starting!

On Tuesday, the fun started. It was Anything but a Backpack Day, in which the students were really involved. We saw people coming with shopping carts, baskets, a kayak and even their little siblings. Unfortunately, because of this, Anything but a Backpack Day is not going to take place next year.

On Wednesday, it was twin day. Twins everywhere, even some teacher triplets too…

On Thursday, it was decade day. We could see people from the 70’s to the 90’s. The hallways were full of grunge rock music and teenagers who looked like they came out from the 1984’s LR yearbook.

Finally, the long-awaited Friday. Pep Rally again after one year’s rest! They duct taped and completely surrounded Mr. Mess on a pole in such a way that he could not run away from what was waiting for him: seniors dressed in blue, juniors in white, sophomores in neon green, and freshmen in pink. Extravagant make-up, laughter, and a lot of noise invaded the gym with one purpose: winning. Musical chairs, racing with a skateboard and a plunger, and blindfolded makeup were some of the games in which the 4 classes and the team of teachers competed. Do you have a pen in your pocket? You win a prize. Who has a phone in their pocket? Earn a prize. Which class can make more noise? The answer was clear: the herd of relentless and hungry seniors won the game with no doubts. In the game of screaming and kicking the stands, the seniors always win.

But the final, long-awaited reward was not winning. It was to stamp a cake onto several teachers’ faces and finally, on the prisoner Mr. Mess. Students saved Mr. Thumma from his horrible fate, but the rest of the victims received their cake on their faces to conclude what was a really fun Pep Rally. We hope it can take place again next year (ahem…sophomores…ahem). Which class will win?

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