LR Post

Lake Region's Student Newspaper

LR Post

LR Post

Advisory used for help around the Grounds


This past Monday, May 20freshman and sophomore advisories were shocked to find out they would be heading outside to do things to help the LR community. Although both advisors and advisees weren’t totally aware of what they would be doing, once they got outside it was made clear by the gardening gloves, shovels, paint cans, and small pile of miscellaneous trash.  Although there weren’t enough paint brushes for everyone who was intended to help repaint the snack shack above the soccer field, there was most definitely more than enough trash down over the bank where the track meets the bank in the corner. Along with this trash collection and repainting there were also groups that planted flowers outside the lunchroom, and picked up trash found on the trails and other parts of the school.


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These efforts were met with pushback by students who wished they could have been warned about this so they could have chosen outfits that were less susceptible to staining or they didn’t care about getting paint on. This didn’t hinder others whose efforts are very easily seen on the grounds and later on that day were evidenced by dirty and paint marked clothes. Some students who chose not to participate in the mroe physical aspects of the cleanup were instead tasked to take pictures of others in action. This effort led to most of the projects being completed. The pickup of the bank beyond the soccer field though probably has the most left to do as they only were able to complete about 1/15th of the area. Some notable finds from that heavily dumped in area were falling apart sandbags, tarps, and many pallets. All of these projects led to kids getting some community service hours towards their 80 hour graduation requirement. The added bonus was the cleaner, and nicer looking grounds.

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